February’s Membership Meeting
Join us on February 2nd for our first meeting of 2022! Hope to see you there! Click here to join!
Join us on February 2nd for our first meeting of 2022! Hope to see you there! Click here to join!
Hey all! The north will be hosting an in-person meet-up next Wednesday (May 25th) at La Posada Real (5270 Longley Ln, Reno). We will have PLS Dan Church present on Solar and Polaris observations to prepare us for the summer camp. So bring yourselves and any questions you may have. As always there will be time before and after the presentation to talk to and meet other young surveyors in the area. This is open to anyone interested in the surveying field.
Nevada's Young Surveyors Network is a community-driven organization dedicated to fostering professional development and networking opportunities for young surveyors in our region. Our events aim to bring together like-minded individuals and create a supportive environment for growth within the surveying profession. As we gear up for our Annual Ugly Sweater Party, we are seeking partnerships with local firms that share our commitment to community engagement and professional development. Your company's support would play a crucial role in ensuring this event's success and contribute to our network's continued growth. Here are some key details about the event: Event Details: [...]
Please register if you plan on attending the campout! It’s a minimal cost to Young Surveyors and their family. Just make sure to select how many people you will be bringing! Significant others, children and dogs are all welcome! Food will be provided. More details to come as we get closer! Link to pay is https://square.link/u/xfNtNe5u.
NALS - 526 South E Street – Santa Rosa, CA 95404
Phone: 1.702.686.3257 (Heather)
Email: info@nvyoungsurveyors.org
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