Past Events


Mentoring Monday’s for the Land Surveying Profession


January 25th – Gary Kent, PS will be presenting us with a much needed Safety workshop! We will also hear from Kent Groh, PLS on a personal experience relating to one of his Party Chiefs and how safety plays a huge role in getting us all home safely to our families every day! Matthew Stansberry will also join us to talk about "The Party Chief Vest" that Matthew created from a need he saw with all the existing vests on the market back in 2007.

Quarterly Meeting


Join us virtually for our quarterly meeting in February! We will be talking about any new and unfinished business! Look forward to seeing everyone on Zoom!

Lahontan Chapter Meeting


Join the Lahontan Chapter for their meeting Thursday, February 4th, 2021, at 9 AM.

POB UltraMap 5.0 Best Practices

Register now for the webinar of our all-in-one photogrammetric processing software, UltraMap 5.0, for rapid generation of point clouds, DSMs, DTMs, ortho imagery, and 3D textured TINS from UltraCam aerial imagery. The 60-minute webinar will cover new features of the Major Release and you will have the chance to join a demonstration of best practice examples. Alexander Wiechert, CEO of Vexcel Imaging, and Bernhard Schachinger, Application Specialist, are looking forward to answering your questions in the live Q&A session at the end of the webinar. Register now 

Mentoring Monday’s for the Land Surveying Profession


February 15th - Shane S. Turay, CET, CST, GISP Geomatics Operator – Basic Training for Field Operators We hear comments frequently, if not constantly on the lack of qualified people. Having trained a wide variety of individuals and personalities for fieldwork I can relate to the challenges of training. Let’s discuss safe, positive, encouraging, and efficient ways to train for the trenches. We will discuss what has worked for us and thoughts on how to put some fire in the belly of others when it comes to learning our profession. Participation is encouraged so please spread the message to your compatriots to join us. A rising tide lifts all boats and each of us, no matter our role, can be a rising tide for those around us.

NALS Statewide Virtual Meeting


Join NALS this Thursday at 12:00 PM for a statewide virtual meeting. Program: ALTA Update Speaker: Paul Burn, PLS Register in advance for this meeting: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Mentoring Monday’s for the Land Surveying Profession


February 22nd - Shane S. Turay, CET, CST, GISP Geomatics Operator – Field Codes, Linework and Stepped Offsets Let’s dig into implementing the technical details of these useful skills. We will cover the basic concepts, practical application, share our process, get technical, and talk about the lessons learned. I believe there is great potential for evolution for those not fully using the modern systems of coding and stepped offsets. Increases in efficiency and quality could be realized by mastering these skills. Participation is encouraged so please spread the message to your compatriots to join us. A rising tide lifts all boats and each of us, no matter our role, can be a rising tide for those around us.

Mentoring Monday’s for the Land Surveying Profession


March 1st - Michael Schoder, PLS - Retired BLM Chief Cadastral Surveyor for Alaska. Michael will be presenting on the Transition from Direct to Indirect Measure and the Electronic Age - BLM Alaska 1959-1989, a history presentation of a valuable background for some of the unique and yet undocumented survey procedures that the BLM Alaska Office conducted during the era of 1959-1989.

Mentoring Monday’s for the Land Surveying Profession


March 8th - Surveying with Robert Martin, PS - Robert Martin helps surveyors in all facets of the surveying industry solving their most difficult problems from field to finish. It takes hard work, patience, dedication, and a lot of technical savvy to solve problems and Robert has the passion and commitment to meet the task.

Mentoring Mondays for the Land Surveying Profession


Mentoring Mondays for the Land Surveying Profession is a weekly meeting room for anyone wanting to learn more. Whether you are a freshman in college or a 50-year Professional Land Surveyor, we all have questions, or we want help with that second opinion. March 15th - David Doyle - GNSS-Derived Orthometric Heights Register in advance for this meeting: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

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