

NV YSN 2024 Camping Trip


Please register if you plan on attending the campout! It’s a minimal cost to Young Surveyors and their family. Just make sure to select how many people you will be bringing! Significant others, children and dogs are all welcome! Food will be provided. More details to come as we get closer! Link to pay is

NV YSN 2024 Camping Trip2024-05-21T19:26:08+00:00

Nevada Young Surveyors – Spring Update


The Western Regional Conference held on March 23 - 26 provided a platform for networking, wisdom, and meeting new people within the surveying community. The conference witnessed active participation from various states, with notable engagement at the Young Surveyors Booth and a range of exciting activities.   Young Surveyors Network Booth: A sincere acknowledgment goes to WMK for their vital support in sponsoring the Young Surveyors Booth. The booth garnered significant attention and participation from representatives across Arizona, California, and Nevada. The enthusiastic response resulted in a substantial increase in new memberships for all states, reflecting the growing interest in and [...]

Nevada Young Surveyors – Spring Update2024-05-21T21:12:16+00:00

NSPS Student Competition Recap 2024


This Year's Student Competition was again organized by Young Surveyors Network in Washington, DC. The participation from Colleges around the County was excellent. In total, 21 schools from around the Nation competed in the competition, from Cal Poly Tech to the University of Puerto Rico and even Klein Collins High School from Texas. The competition structure was similar to last year, but due to the number of schools, half participated in the monument hunt portion one day, while the other half tackled the field exercises. The monument hunt consisted of each school and a young surveyor scavenging around the city for [...]

NSPS Student Competition Recap 20242024-05-21T19:25:42+00:00

2022-2023 Elections


As the current State Coordinator and one of the co-founders of this Network, I am happy to announce that we are going to begin holding annual elections for two of the three board positions of the NV YSN. The State Coordinator position will be assumed by the current Vice President, Heather Keenan.   When this network was started in 2019 it was by two members of the GBC Student Competition team being coerced by a few of the National YSN folks to get a network up an running for Nevada. We were hesitant at first but gave in and almost three [...]

2022-2023 Elections2022-06-13T17:41:46+00:00



As the current State Coordinator and one of the co-founders of this Network, I am happy to announce that we are going to begin holding annual elections for two of the three board positions of the NV YSN. The current vice president, Heather Keenan, will assume the State Coordinator position. When this network was started in 2019 it was by two members of the GBC Student Competition team being coerced by a few of the National YSN folks to get a network up an running for Nevada. We were hesitant at first but gave in and almost three years later we [...]


March Meeting in Reno


The north will be hosting an in-person meet-up next Wednesday (May 25th) at La Posada Real (5270 Longley Ln, Reno). We will have PLS Dan Church present on Solar and Polaris observations to prepare us for the summer camp. So bring yourselves and any questions you may have. There will always be time before and after the presentation to talk to and meet other young surveyors in the area. This is open to anyone interested in the surveying field. See you all there!

March Meeting in Reno2022-05-25T22:38:35+00:00

April Meet up!


Young surveyors will be hosting a meet on Saturday, April 9th at Newlands park at 10 am in Reno, NV. We will be occupying NGS monuments to prepare for the new Datum as well as BBQ’n and practicing survey techniques. All young (and not so young) surveyors are encouraged to come. It should be a great day to learn, network, and contribute to surveying in Nevada!

April Meet up!2022-03-15T20:13:31+00:00
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